Zoological Association of America

ZAA is a non-profit, membership-based accrediting organization dedicated to responsible wildlife management, conservation, and education. ZAA upholds the highest level of professional standards in animal welfare, safety, and ethics.

About ZAA

The Zoological Association of America (ZAA) is one of the largest nonprofit wildlife organizations in the country, made up of exotic wildlife facilities ranging in size from 2 to 1,800 acres, each with 10 to 8,000 animals in their care. ZAA is truly a unique membership organization, comprised of public and private facilities of wildlife educators, rescue facilities, wildlife preserves, small community zoos, large zoological facilities, aquariums, and conservation organizations.


900+ Members

60 + Accredited Facilities

15+ million individuals reached through ZAA member organizations each year

8+ million students in education programs each year

$4+ million contributed yearly to conservation efforts worldwide by ZAA and its members

$150+ million combined annual budgets of ZAA organizations which play a significant role in advancing regional economies and encouraging tourism

Get Involved

Become a Member

Join 900+ members and stand beside great companies supporting conservation


Join 60+ accredited facilities providing education, conservation, and recreational experiences to their communities

Professional Development




Zoos & IRF: Working Together to Save Rhinos in the Wild

Interested in hearing about the International Rhino Foundation's (IRF's) effort to protect rhinos in Africa and Asia and how zoos are contributing? Join Martha Parker as she talks about how zoos have been integral in the IRF's efforts to save all 5 species of rhino in the wild since the organization's inception.


  • 10/9 - ZAA Professional Development Webinar: The Power of 5 Gears: Being present and productive when there’s never enough time

  • 10/6-10/10 - 45th annual Elephant Managers Association (EMA) conference

  • 10/9-10/10 - USDA - Meeting the Requirements of the Animal Welfare Act Workshop

Job Board

Visit the job board for career opportunities, volunteer openings, paid positions, and internships

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ZAA Members: You can easily donate through your Member Compass!

Non-members: We'd love your support! Please reach out via email at [email protected] or send a check to:

Zoological Association of America

11654 Plaza America Dr, Suite 309

Reston, VA 20190

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