ZAA Accreditation is a rigorous process that includes an extensive application and site inspection. The institution must undergo the complete process every five years to maintain their accredited status. |
ZAA ACCREDITATION STANDARDSThe ZAA Accreditation Standards (2023) is a comprehensive document that provides guidance on best practices for ZAA-accredited facilities in the areas of animal welfare, care & management, veterinary care, conservation, physical facilities, safety/security, and more.
| ACCREDITATION CATEGORIESAccredited Facility: A traditional zoo, aquarium, or educational facility that exhibits exotic and/or wild animals to the public and has an educational and conservation message. The facility may be open to the public with regular hours or by appointment. Public visitation may be by facility staff guided or self-guided tours. Educational outreach facilities that have programs using exotic and/or wild animals. Associated-Accredited Facility: Propagates exotic/or wild animals for conservation purposes or supplying zoological facilities. Not open to the public. Participates in and/or supports conservation advocacy. ZAA facility accreditation is not available to exotic and/or wild animal pet owners. Accredited Facilities and Associated-Accredited Facilities must have a Professional Fellow member on their permanent staff. Ensure that one of your staff members has applied and been approved for a Professional Fellow membership prior to submitting your accreditation application. Two sponsor letters are required. At least one letter must be from a ZAA-accredited facility. The second letter may be from a current ZAA Professional Fellow member. ACCREDITATION APPLICATION |
Set and follow professional standards for husbandry, animal care practices, and animal welfare and well-being.
Maintain accurate animal and medical records. Enhance the survival of species by the use of appropriate methods. Maintain an appropriate, safe, and quality existence for animals kept in human care. Ensure the safety of humans, both staff and visitors, from injury and disease. |
1) Submit your completed ZAA Accreditation Application and required attachments to accreditation@zooassociation.org.
2) Submit your Application Fees.
| STEP 2: SITE INSPECTION Inspection Details:
Facilities are graded in many categories, including the following:
| STEP 3: COMMITTEE REVIEW The accreditation committee will review the application and site inspection. The applicant may be: |