Government Affairs

ZAA Contact

Tom Albert

ZAA Government Affairs Consultant

Federal Agencies


ZAA regularly meets with federal agencies to advocate for our members. Here is an example of a recent congressional letter and the agency's response, which recognizes the agency's engagement with our organization.

USFWS Proposed Giraffe ESA Listing

On November 21, 2024 the US Fish and Wildlife Service published a proposed rule to several giraffe species under the Endangered Species Act. Specifically, the Service proposes listing three subspecies of northern giraffe from west, central and east Africa as endangered and two giraffe species from east Africa as threatened with tailored protections through a 4(d) rule. ZAA values conservation and works to support the future of all wild species. It is our belief that USFWS needs to recognize the large number of captive-bred giraffe in the U.S. While it is essential to protect wild giraffe populations we must also ensure that this listing does not place unnecessary burdens on zoological facilities that are already making great strides in the protection and propagation of giraffe. Tom Albert, ZAA's Government Affairs Consultant, and Nicholas Lacovara examined the harmful impacts that this decision will have on the zoological industry in a webinar. You can view this webinar in our member resources page.

Federal Agencies

Letter to President Trump

ZAA welcomed President Trump and his Administration to their new roles. Additionally, ZAA advocated for some of the key issues facing our members. Read our letter!


ZAA regularly meets with federal agencies to advocate for our members. Here is an example of a recent congressional letter and the agency's response, which recognizes the agency's engagement with our organization.

USFWS Proposed Giraffe ESA Listing

On November 21, 2024 the US Fish and Wildlife Service published a proposed rule to several giraffe species under the Endangered Species Act. Specifically, the Service proposes listing three subspecies of northern giraffe from west, central and east Africa as endangered and two giraffe species from east Africa as threatened with tailored protections through a 4(d) rule. ZAA values conservation and works to support the future of all wild species. It is our belief that USFWS needs to recognize the large number of captive-bred giraffe in the U.S. While it is essential to protect wild giraffe populations we must also ensure that this listing does not place unnecessary burdens on zoological facilities that are already making great strides in the protection and propagation of giraffe. Tom Albert, ZAA's Government Affairs Consultant, and Nicholas Lacovara examined the harmful impacts that this decision will have on the zoological industry in a webinar. You can view this webinar in our member resources page.

ZAA Contact

Tom Albert

ZAA Government Affairs Consultant

Federal Legislation

Federal Legislation

HR 349 "Goldie's Act"

To amend the Animal Welfare Act to increase enforcement with respect to violations of that Act, and for other purposes. Reintroduction of “Goldie’s Act.” ZAA OPPOSES AS INTRODUCED.

Proposed US House Bill to Amend the ESA

To amend the Endangered Species Act of 1973 to optimize conservation through resource prioritization, incentivize wildlife conservation on private lands, provide for greater incentives to recover listed species, create greater transparency and accountability in recovering listed species, streamline the permitting process, eliminate barriers to conservation, and restore congressional intent.
ZAA's response in process.

Advocating for State Policies

South Carolina HB 4100

This bill creates a permit requirement for exotic wildlife. Exempts AZA zoos.

Virginia SB 1125

This bill prohibits propagation of wildlife without a permit, as well as premature separation of young wildlife and hybridization of species. AZA is identified as a resource and authority on separation practices and AZA facilities are exempt from the prohibition of hybridization. Amended and passed on the floor of the Senate to remove permit requirement, allow exceptions for early separation, remove reference to breeding of subspecies and to remove references to and exception for AZA facilities. Further narrowing amendments made in the House Agriculture Committee. Passed by the House. Multiple ZAA members worked to get the bill amended. ZAA OPPOSED AS INTRODUCED.

Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife

301 KAR 2.082

Updates requirements including permitting for transportation and holding of live exotic wildlife. Adds exemption from permitting for AZA facilities.

Quarterly Accredited Director and Owner DC Fly Ins

Tom Albert and Dr. Kelly George travel to Washington, DC, every quarter to address critical issues affecting ZAA members. They have extended an invitation to accredited facilities to join them on their DC fly-in, marking a valuable new benefit for these facilities.

September 18th and 19th, 2024

In September 2024, Morgan Brown from Wildlife World Zoo and Jordan Patch from Animal Adventure Park & The Preserve accompanied Kelly, Tom, and board members Betsey Brewer Bethel, and Kayte Hogan on ZAA’s inaugural accredited directors visit to Capitol Hill. Together, they met with various committees and staffers to highlight concerns pertinent to ZAA members. Notably, they met with Ms. Sarah Helming, the new APHIS Deputy Administrator, and Dr. Mike Watson, APHIS Administrator. This meeting not only was an opportunity to meet the new Administrators, but also provided a chance for them to discuss some of the challenges ZAA members have experienced during inspections.