Photo: Metro Richmond Zoo
To ensure a species’ long-term survival, managed propagation of wildlife has become an essential part of the conversation and the only insulation against a potential collapse of wild populations. Each facility participating in an Animal Management Plan (AMP) involving endangered species is required to contribute to selected NGOs. Facilities involved in AMPs with non-endangered species are strongly encouraged to make annual donations to the designated NGOs. ZAA has carefully chosen the NGOs to receive these donations. These are the NGOs selected for each AMP:
Cheetah Conservation Fund
Cheetah Conservation Botswana
Cheetah Outreach Trust
Dyer Island Conservation Trust
International Rhino Foundation
Global Wildlife Conservation Mandrill Conservation Project
Greater Mahale Ecosystem Research and Conservation Project
Save the Giraffes
Fishing Cat Conservation Alliance
Leuseur Conservancy
Gibbons of Peninsular Malaysia Project
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
ZAA AMP Programs
Cooperatively managed
Long range population management goals
Recommendations to ensure sustainability of the population
Coordinated across ZAA accredited members to ensure the greatest genetic variability
Interested in participating in an AMP or being a species manager or studbook keeper?
ZAA members: Visit the AMP Folder in Basecamp.
Non-members: Contact the ZAA Office.
Population Management Specialists develop Population Status and Breeding Recommendation Masterplans every 2-4 years or as needed. Breeding pair recommendations are made annually. Conservation linkage and education goals mandatory.
Population Status and Breeding Recommendation Masterplans are available to ZAA members on the Resources page.
Studbook program with recommended pairings. Conservation linkage and education goals encouraged.
Schmidt's Guenon
Southern White Rhinoceros
African Lion
Fishing Cat
Ruffed Lemur
Lar Gibbon